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C. Akko & Amukah

^ From the wall on top of the Old City of Akko (Acre). Akko has been continuously inhabited since the Middle Bronze Age (c. 2000-1550 BCE), and has changed hands from Jews to Greeks to Romans to Arabs to crusaders to Mamluks to Ottomans to British, eventually becoming part of Israel in 1948. 

^ At the Old City market. We bought a little piece of every single one of these sweets.

^ The parts of Akko that we liked best are the ones that were not aggressively restored or marketed to tourists. Just old walls, grass, and the sea :)

^ Leaving Akko, we headed to Amukah, where Shira grew up. Adam pictured just beyond the backyard of the old house, at what we used to call "The Lone Tree". On clear days, this spot has views of Mt Hermon. This was not a clear day!

^ The people who live in Shira's old house operate a bed & breakfast. Here is the view from our cabin, situated on the edge of the backyard. We stayed there for two nights. 

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