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October 20, 2013

They exchange email addresses and decide to move to GChat. Months after "meeting", they learn each other's last names.
They start chatting every day.

Alright, they chat about mostly small matters.
It starts snowing in Boston

Adam and Shira meet on Reddit.

They comment on each other's comments and send each other long-winded private messages.
And it keeps snowing.
And it snows even more.

It snows literally 100 inches in the space of a couple of weeks.
Buried under record-breaking snow drifts in Boston, Shira is looking to go somewhere, anywhere to relieve the cabin fever, and Adam eagerly swoops in with promises of 70-degree February days in Boulder.
She's sold.
(She has a huge "internet" crush on him).
Shira visits Adam in Boulder, they have a blast, and sparks fly.

Before she leaves to go back to Boston, they plan another visit.
On her next visit, they go Backpacking in Estes Park.
Back on GChat, they have "The Talk".
They're crazy about each other.

They're official!
An eventful summer follows.
Adam visits Boston.
They go backpacking in New Hampshire.

They meet up with Reddit friends in Chicago.

They camp on the beach in California with Adam's college friends.
They backpack in Big Sur.
And when the summer is almost over, Shira moves to Boulder to be with Adam.
Shira's mom comes to visit, bringing Dobby, Shira's cat, with her.
Life is pretty good.
Soon after, they summit Long's Peak.

Shira likes to bake intricate pies.
Dobby and Adam instantly bond.

And Adam likes to make juicy steaks.

They visit Adam's parents in Annapolis, and have a fabulous time touring Mount Vernon and Monticello.
Shira's parents visit them in Boulder, and they hike in the snow!

They like hosting dinner parties.

And hiking to alpine lakes.

Their beloved Dobby tragically dies after getting hit by a car.
They'll always remember him.

They get their own place in East Boulder

They adopt the world's cutest kittens.

And they even start growing vegetables.
January, 2015

In the following 16 months, they exchange around
messages on GChat.
They become a big part of each other's daily lives.
August 25th,2018
Shira Kaminsky and Adam Higuera become Shira and Adam Kamiguera!

And Shira says "Yes!"
On the way out the door to the Santa Fe Opera, Adam proposes.
July 5th,2017

They road trip to Santa Fe
When Google discontinues the old GChat format, they finally decide to move their chats to WhatsApp.
They have silly pet names for each other.

Really, really small...

About matters great and small.

In December 2017 they visit Israel together, and have a great time
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